Gasshole Garage
Blogging what we build, what we like, and what we ride
Saturday, March 1, 2025
Thursday, January 5, 2017
Almost Famous
The photographer was a guy named Mark Velazquez. I am sure many of you know him as he is all over the place shooting for the popular bike magazines. We, meaning he, my wife Laura and I all hit it off immediately. He really did a great job and is now one of our friends that we enjoy catching up with from time to time.
So, here are the shots he sent Laura. This will be the last shots of this bike as it looks here as it is in the middle of a complete restyling. Stand by for more on the makeover for the Lace Bike.
Saturday, November 5, 2016
Boogie East Chopper Show
We are are working together with two of my oldest friends to deliver a world class chopper show to the East Coast. Scott Hoepker of Chemical Candy Customs Tani Labarbera Annie Oakley's Co-owner and myself (Rob Clague) Gasshole extrordinaire all grew up together in a small East Texas town riding skateboards and dreaming of choppers.
Ya see Tani's old man Pete not only employed us fed us beer and generally taught us the ways of the hard knock life, but he was also a legit hardcore biker. The image of his leaky shovelheads sitting in the back of the party room at Tani's place are still burned into my brain. The essence of cool for a 15 year old kid. I drug my first bike home from his place in pieces. A hardtail Iron head sporty. I rode that bike for the next 5 years.
Well Pete is gone now and we are finally in a position to honor our old mentor. I can think of no better place than at the true grit biker watering hole that he left Texas to build and run. Annie Oakley's Saloon in Ormond Beach. (Daytona ). So "Boogie East " my Chopper brethren and join us for a hell of a party. Bike Week 2017.
Saturday, July 30, 2016
1983 FXWG for sale
Saturday, July 23, 2016
Sprung and Stroked

Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Gasshole revisited

I changed out the headlight and put on some new chain adjuster blocks. So the look of the bike is slightly more aggressive with the all terrain tires but the spirit of the bike is not radically changed. The tires give the bike a heavy almost sluggish feel. Not nearly as agile as it was with the Dunlops, but it also glides over rough asphalt and potholes like an FL. I will reserve final judgement on these tires until a have a hundred or so miles on them but I can say I like the look and in Choppertown you can take that to the bank.
Monday, February 29, 2016
B&B Racing Metairie La.

He must have found that some of the rocker assemblies I sent were beyond repair, because he sent back a bag of unused parts, containing two of the rockers sets that I had sent. He did't make a big deal about it, he just grabbed a couple from his stash, refitted them, cleaned and re-sized them and put them on. Now lets talk about the blown out rocker cover holes. Helicoils right! Not a chance. He over drills the holes, welds them up with a harder aluminum, and then drills and tabs a fresh set of threads. Then somehow blends the area so that you cannot tell which have been repaired and which are original.

Oh. what about that beat up combustion chamber? I can barely tell which one it was. Smoothed out like it never happened. All the head bolt holes cleaned up nice so the bolts will thread right in. I also had him install a set of O-ring spigots for the intake instead of the old plummer style that was in there. That was a tough call because now the heads are so nice that it is a shame to alter them from that original configuration. Well Billy installed them using the factory technique and sent back the threaded inserts should I ever decide to revert back. Dilemma laid to rest.
WL Flat Tracker Project

Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Chopper daze again. The new Gasshole chopper build.
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Here we go again. This is a later swingarm shovelhead frame that was hard-tailed using repro castings. A tool box mount, and sidecar loops and floorboard mounts were added for good measure. There is no brake crossover tube so we will use early juice brakes on the rear. The neck numbers are intact and we have the paper so getting legal should be no problem.